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What to Pay Attention to When Operating a Medium Frequency Spot Welding Machine?

Electrical Safety:

The secondary voltage of a medium frequency spot welding machine is very low and does not pose an electric shock risk. However, the primary voltage is high, so the equipment must be reliably grounded. The high-voltage parts in the control box must be disconnected from the power during maintenance. Therefore, a door switch should be installed to automatically cut off the power when the door is opened.

IF inverter spot welder

Pollution Prevention:

During the welding of coated steel plates, toxic zinc and lead fumes are produced. Flash welding generates a large amount of metal vapor, and metal dust is produced when grinding electrodes. Cadmium and beryllium in cadmium-copper and beryllium-copper alloys are highly toxic. Therefore, certain measures should be taken before operation to prevent pollution.

Electrode Maintenance:

When grinding electrodes, use a file or sandpaper to grind the electrode surface. If conditions permit, an electrode grinder can also be used. Electrodes are consumable items and should be replaced with new ones after a period of use.

Preventing Crush Injuries:

The equipment should be operated by one person to prevent crush injuries caused by improper coordination among multiple people. The foot pedal switch must have safety protection, and the welding button should be of the dual-button type. The operator must simultaneously press both buttons with their hands to clamp, thereby preventing hand injuries. Guardrails should be installed around the machine, and operators must exit after loading materials. The machine can only be started after moving away from the equipment or closing the door to ensure that moving parts do not crush personnel.

Suzhou Agera Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is engaged in the development of automated assembly, welding, testing equipment, and production lines, mainly applied in household appliances, hardware, automotive manufacturing, sheet metal, 3C electronics, and other industries. We provide customized welding machines and automated welding equipment, as well as assembly welding production lines and assembly lines tailored to customer requirements, offering suitable overall automation solutions to help companies quickly transition from traditional to high-end production methods. If you are interested in our automation equipment and production lines, please contact us: leo@agerawelder.com