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What are the selection elements of capacitive energy storage spot welder?

Due to the high productivity of capacitive energy storage spot welding machine, no noise and harmful gases, improve the working conditions and have great convenience, now many auto parts processing plants will choose it, but there are many kinds of capacitive energy storage spot welding machines on the market, how to choose is also a problem, I will introduce the selection elements below.

The role of pressure in the work of capacitive energy storage spot welding machine is often ignored by most people, when the melting point forms the weld core, the pressure is too large and too small will form a splash weld core crack will be large, and the pressure is too strong will form a shrinkage hole, which requires the pressure system to be spontaneous, that is, stop at any time. A good pressure curve is the basis of a good spot welder.

In order to prevent the cylinder from taking linear bearings as the medium for pressure transmission is very ideal, the current is controlled in a closed loop, which can prevent large fluctuations in the current.

The spot welding specification is one of the important factors to determine the quality of welding. Generally, the welding specification parameters are selected in accordance with the following basic principles:

1. Physical properties of the material:

Materials with good electrical and thermal conductivity, hard specifications with large welding current and short power time, easy quenching materials, choose softer specifications, or double pulse specifications with slow cooling or tempering treatment, select electrical strength, in addition to considering the room temperature, high temperature strength and the size of the tendency to produce contractile defects, the characteristics of the selection of specifications should be considered at the same time. Because the heating zone is narrow and the plastic resistance of the welding zone is large, a larger electrical force should be used.

2, the welding process should not produce splashing:

Especially on important products, there can be no spatter, therefore, the welding current and electrical force should be in the condition of ensuring the required core size.

3, product structure and quality requirements:

When welding large thin-walled structures, in order to reduce the warping deformation of the structure after welding, hard welding specifications should be used, and soft specifications should be used for structures with large rigidity and poor assembly to ensure that the joint surface has a good contact specification before melting to avoid sputtering.

Under the above principles, the specific selection of welding specifications can generally be divided into two steps, the first step to select each welding specification, the second part through the field process experiment, dressing specification parameters, to determine the best specifications.

Suzhou Agera Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is engaged in welding equipment manufacturers, focusing on the development and sales of energy-saving resistance welding machine, automatic welding equipment and industry non-standard special welding equipment, Agera focus on how to improve welding quality, welding efficiency and reduce welding costs. If you are interested in our capacitive energy storage spot welding machine, please contact us:leo@agerawelder.com