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How Many Types of Macroscopic Fractures Are There in Resistance Spot Welding?

Resistance spot welding is a common and essential process in various industries, but have you ever wondered about the different types of macroscopic fractures that can occur in this welding method? In this article, we will explore the various macroscopic fracture types that can be observed in resistance spot welding.


  1. Interfacial Fracture: Interfacial fractures, also known as “interfacial separation,” occur at the interface of two welded materials. This type of fracture is often linked to poor weld quality and can result from issues such as insufficient pressure or improper welding parameters.
  2. Button Pullout: Button pullout fractures involve the removal of the molten metal button formed during the welding process. This can occur when the weld material is not properly bonded to the base materials, leading to the button being pulled out during testing.
  3. Tear: Tear fractures are characterized by the tearing of the base material surrounding the weld area. This type of fracture typically happens when there is excessive heat input or when the welding parameters are not well-controlled.
  4. Plug: Plug fractures occur when a portion of one of the welded materials is completely separated from the rest of the weld. This type of fracture can be caused by various factors, including contamination on the welding electrodes or an improper welding technique.
  5. Edge Crack: Edge cracks are cracks that form near the edge of the welded area. They can result from various factors such as poor material preparation or improper electrode alignment.
  6. Nugget Fracture: Nugget fractures involve the failure of the central weld region, known as the “nugget.” These fractures are critical because they can compromise the integrity of the entire weld. Nugget fractures can result from inadequate welding pressure or improper welding parameters.
  7. Fissure: Fissure fractures are often tiny cracks or fissures within the weld material. These can be challenging to detect visually but can weaken the overall weld structure. Fissures may occur due to issues with the welding process or the quality of the materials used.

Understanding these different types of macroscopic fractures in resistance spot welding is crucial for ensuring the quality and reliability of welded joints in various applications. Welding operators and inspectors must be vigilant in detecting and addressing these fractures to maintain the structural integrity of welded components.

In conclusion, resistance spot welding can result in various types of macroscopic fractures, each with its own set of causes and implications. Identifying these fractures and addressing their root causes is essential for producing high-quality welds that meet the stringent standards of modern industries.