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Auxiliary parameter adjustment of capacitor energy storage convex welding machine

Capacitive energy storage welding machine is also known as capacitive energy storage spot welding machine and capacitive energy storage convex welding machine, which has obvious advantages in welding high-strength steel plates and thermoformed steel plates. Its main process we have introduced last time, the following talk about its auxiliary parameters.

The auxiliary process parameters of capacitive energy storage convex welding machine are: prepressing time, maintenance time, forging time, etc. The time of the welding process is mainly composed of the pre-pressing time before welding and the maintenance time after welding, the pre-pressing time to ensure that the electrode action to the compacted workpiece this time period, too short time will cause no effective compaction caused by the early splash and explosion electrode, too long time and affect the work efficiency, so the length of the pre-pressing time can refer to the insulation between the workpiece to determine whether compaction; The maintenance time is mainly used for crystallization and cooling of the molten pool, and the time can be adjusted according to the product, unlike the pre-loading time, which is harsh, but must be.

The adjustment of forging time should meet the need not to crush the salient point too early, but also need to open the forging valve at the same time of discharge or in advance. Too short forging time will cause the forging pressure not to keep up, resulting in bad phenomena such as splashing. Too long forging time will cause the salient point to crush too early, resulting in insufficient heat to produce qualified molten core. The forging time should not be less than 20MS before welding, because the traditional solenoid valve opening time is 20MS; The setting of major process parameters such as welding pressure and charging voltage needs to be adjusted step by step, with a single parameter as the matching object, and make a written record for verification and reference!

Suzhou Agera Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is engaged in welding equipment manufacturers, focusing on the development and sales of energy-saving resistance welding machine, automatic welding equipment and industry non-standard special welding equipment, Agera focus on how to improve welding quality, welding efficiency and reduce welding costs. If you are interested in our capacitive energy storage spot welding machine, please contact us:leo@agerawelder.com