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Analysis of welding spatter hazards in intermediate frequency spot welding machines

During the entire welding process, intermediate frequency spot welding machines may experience welding spatter, which can be roughly divided into early spatter and mid to late spatter. However, the actual factors that cause welding loss in intermediate frequency spot welding machines are analyzed below.

IF inverter spot welder

Next, the editor will take you through the analysis of welding spatter hazards in spot welding machines. Firstly, it is caused by the influence of external factors,

When there are dirt such as oil stains and residues on the surface of the product workpiece, it can cause the circuit resistance to increase during welding, resulting in an increase in heat generation and causing the metal material to fly out of the welding area, causing splashing.

If the lower electrode is not aligned or the electrode is not vertical with the product workpiece, it can cause the spot welding to be distorted. At this time, the plastic deformation ring is not sealed, and the metal material is prone to flying out, resulting in splashing.

When welding at the edge, the plastic deformation ring is not detailed, and the most missing part of the plastic deformation ring is on the side close to the edge. During welding, the metal material at the welding point is very prone to splashing out from the outside. Abnormal wear of electrodes can also lead to splashing.

Secondly, it is caused by the hazards of the main parameters of the welding method,

The welding current of the intermediate frequency spot welding machine is too high, causing obvious overheating. At this time, due to the significant expansion of the metal material in the solution pool, it breaks through the plastic deformation ring, causing damage.

The welding work pressure is too low because the plastic deformation range and level of the metal material in the welding area are not enough, resulting in a heating rate exceeding the expansion rate of the plastic deformation ring due to excessive current intensity, leading to relatively serious splashing.